sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2008

(Cheater Master 2.0) O Melhor de Mu global e mu online !!

Cheat Master v2.0 é o unico autokill funcionando no mu global aki oq ele faz:

- Auto Attack (AutoKill) Monsters/Players based on Skill Packets
- Auto Repot
- Auto drink mana potion
- Invisible Attacks
- Stopping Auto Attack on Player sight
- Restarting Auto Attack on Player disappears
- Teleport
- Auto Teleport every X second(s)
- Agility Hack to increase attacking speed
- Auto Pickup (with Teleport) jewels, exc, acient, pets and zen.
- Auto Reconnect on DC
- Auto Repair items every X second(s)
- Remote Control
- God Mode to make you invisible for Monsters
- Guard Coords
- Guard HP
- Teleport back to spot on death
- Vault Hack to remove the 4 digit vault code
- Trader info level
- Minimaps, Presents list and MapView for fast moving
- Minimizer with AutoLoot and AutoSkill
- Panic Key
- GameGuard Bypass
- Packet Editor
- Loopback installer
- Other

ta ae o link :

Como fazer ele fucionar?

Fasa o download do arquivo, apos o download extraia em uma pasta os arquivos.

Abra o programa Chamado ( FingerprintGen ) , entao ele ira gera um codigo. mande me esse codigo

Esse hack funciaona nao so nesse mu tambem em mu total ,mu global ,mu online e muchaos Otimo hack xD

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